вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

motivational post

Just can not help but share with readers.

Someone may know and some do not, but this blog emerged two months ago as a journal for taking notes on my first SEO project. I've already mentioned it, but you can read about on the page about the project.

So the very news:. Today, I handed the project to the customer!.

Yesterday wrote a business case for the activities carried out, highlighted the main points of this morning, and arrived at the meeting. One and a half hours of negotiations and that they are the first very serious money for the promotion of. The more I realized that, in practice it is when your saytik creeping up from the depths of the PS issue, until it gets to the first row.

The work is almost done, the money received. To these 20,000 p. seem a minor point, but I think a very good first experience. Mandrazhiroval bit, but it's from lack of experience with the ' men '. It is time to remember the school- student organizational skills and relearn how to work with people. and not with computers.
In general, the project commissioned. there is still time optimizing the design and everything else, but the fact that I got happy!.

Вперед. только вперед!

Motivates! . Especially since the horizons open up for me more and more new and exciting goals.

Traditional guard gets a riddle. novel. In the next post must try to find you an interesting puzzle.

Subscribe to. RSS. and you will find many useful!.

воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Central Russia in the annulus of forest fires - VIDEO

According to ITAR- TASS, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday visited the Voronezh region and the regional center itself, which continues to be a difficult situation with forest fires. In one of the premier centers of fire meets fire, which eliminated the effects of forest fires, and also visited the temporary camp of MOE, which is the headquarters of Task Force for the Coordination of forces and means.

Earlier, at a meeting with residents of the burnt villages near Moscow Mokhovoye Putin said that he personally will oversee the construction of housing for fire victims, according to LifeNews.

- The most effective method - round the clock, - stated the Prime Minister. - Therefore, the most significant building sites, we set the camera. A signal from them will be in three places: the government, to my home and the Prime Minister.

Thus, the prime minister said that everyone can at any time on the internet to see what is happening on site.

Meanwhile, according to the newspaper L'Express, the Russian media were cut from the chronicle of Putin visit fire-affected villages of footage of people burnt down the village in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast have expressed their outrage to Putin. According to the newspaper, the residents complained about the lack of understanding of the Prime Minister and assistance from the authorities.

Television channels showed only a promise Prime Upper Village residents burnt Vereya allocate hundreds of thousands of rubles, and to restore the house. Then Putin speaks by telephone with President Dmitry Medvedev, giving him an explanation of the situation, ... The cut footage, however, were laid out on the Web.

Movie starts with loud cries of ' Down with the government! ' . Putin's people crowding round indignantly told him that the authorities had taken action sooner, but no one responded to requests from people for help.

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